Can the origin of the universe and life be explained without the need for a Creator? Did they come about as a result of a mindless, unguided process?
The Return of the God Hypothesis
Is it possible to explain the unfathomable complexity of the universe, and the perfectly constructed world we live in, as well as the ideal characteristics of our planet, suited exactly for sustaining and proliferating human, plant, and animal life, without the necessity of a Creator or Designer, who constructed it just right? Is it possible that intelligent life on this planet resulted entirely from a mindless, unguided process? Is evolution and natural selection the only plausible explanation?
The Pensmore Dialogue on Science and Faith at Patrick Henry College will consider these and many more questions that strike at the heart of life and the world as we know it, and whether or not it could exist without some intelligence having designed it and set it in motion.
Additionally, there will be a bonus session for students, and one for pastors, delving into issues critical to their unique circumstances, environments, and challenges.