Perrysburg Township - (419) 872-8861

Nestled in Northern Wood County, Perrysburg Township is home to a large residential population, a vibrant industrial and commercial sector, and a strong agricultural base.

86th largest, out of 1,308, townships in the State of Ohio
Largest populated township in Wood County

Perrysburg Township provides Fire, Emergency Medical, Road Maintenance, Planning/ Zoning, and Police services to its residents.

Public Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays. 6:00 p.m. Trustees Office

Important: This is the official Facebook page of Perrysburg Township. The Perrysburg Township Facebook Page is intended to be used for informational purposes only. If you wish to contact Perrysburg Township officials please visit the official website:

Disclaimer:Perrysburg Township does not warrant or make representations or endorsements as to the quality, content, suitability, accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links and other items contained on this Facebook page. Such materials have been compiled from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice from Perrysburg Township.

Some of the links on this page, and subsequent pages, may lead to resources outside Perrysburg Township. The presence of these links should not be construed as an endorsement by Perrysburg Township of these sites or their content. Perrysburg Township is not responsible for the content of any external link. Perrysburg Township specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from visiting the Perrysburg Township Facebook page, official website or information contained therein, including any websites maintained by third parties and linked to the Perrysburg Township website. The responsibility for content rests with the third party organizations that are providing the information.

The Township uses its website and Facebook to provide supplemental or additional non-critical information on matters deemed to be of interest to Township residents. Neither should be relied upon as a primary source of information in the event of any type of disaster or public emergency. The public is advised to rely on the information being provided by public officials through the numerous media outlets serving the area. In the event an emergency in the Township required rapid distribution of information to the public, our communication plan is that we would notify the print and broadcast media. The website is not equipped, staffed or intended to be a primary source of critical emergency information. Our Facebook page is not a Township communication plan, it is a social media outlet, nothing more.


Address & Contact

26609 Lime City Rd
(419) 872-8861
Government Organization

Map & Directions

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