Phoenician Sugaring & Day Spa - (310) 308-9869

Esthetician - Facial Skin Care - Exfoliation - Epilation


………….. is the MOST ANCIENT method of hair removal and to exfoliate the skin.

Only NATURAL INGREDIENTS are used to formulate a paste that epilates both MORE GENTLE and, at the same time, is far MORE EFFICIENT than waxing.

The hair is removed from the root resulting in a SLOWER regrowth.
At the same time, the sugar formula acts in a SMOOTHING way, leaving the skin soft, silky and COMPLETELY hair free.

In addition, the special formula also acts as a potent EXFOLIATOR, yet without ever adhering to any live cells, i.e. LESS PAIN than waxing.

There is NO CHEMICAL ingredient at all, and Phoenician Sugaring LEAVES NONE of the residues frequently observed with all other methods.

Only 1/8” of hair is required for a SUCCESSFUL session.
Repeated sessions will result in sparser and finer hair, hence decreasing the need for repetitions.

The combination of all natural ingredients, and the low paste working temperature make this form of epilation also the IDEAL CHOICE for all those patients who are CONTRA INDICATED to WAXING or other methods of hair removal.

Tags: Spa,Skin Care,Hair Removal

Address & Contact

72-624 El Paseo, Suite B6
Palm Desert
(310) 308-9869
Spas/Beauty/Personal Care

Map & Directions

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