Pickle's Jewelry Box - (937) 241-5470

My handmade jewelry of all shapes. colors. styles and sizes. Each piece is unique and one of a kind. I can make special custom pieces as well.

My whole entire life I have loved arts and crafts. I would spend hours locked in my room, sewing elaborate gowns for my dolls and barbies, making beaded jewelry, drawing in my sketchbook. I moved on to painting, experimenting in all mediums. I did indian bead loom work as well as knitting and crocheting. There was not much that I did not dabble in arts and crafts wise. One day I walked down to my local arts and craft shop, Ben Franklins, in Findlay. Ohio, and bought myself some of that clay that you can bake in the oven. Two hours later I had made and baked a collection of beads. I ended up combing some of those handmade clay beads with some flattened pennies I had laid on my neighborhood train tracks and created a necklace for my Aunt Mary's upcoming birthday. She loved it, bragged about it and wore it everywhere. I was so proud and inspired that something I made could be worn and enjoyed by someone like that.

Life went on, I went to college for my Associate's degree in Art at Midland College in Midland. Texas. There I learned much about all aspects of art, the printmaking and oil painting classes were my particular favorites. A few years and cross country moves later, I ended up back in Ohio in the Dayton area. As we settled down, I had my second baby boy, I began oil painting again in our new house.

One day in early December while Christmas shopping, I stopped in the craft section to grab some glue. The beading section caught my eye. I stood there in Meijers, looking over the beads, charm, wire and supplies and was reminded of my childhood beading kit and jewelry making adventures. I had $70 cash in my wallet and decided right there in the store to start a jewelry making business. I spent the next two weeks making simple bracelets, and brought a box of them to my job at a sports and wings bar. My female coworkers swarmed on the boxes of jewelry and many pieces were bought. After one week I had earned back triple what I had paid for my starting supplies in Meijers that day. Encouraged by this, I sat down one day and opened my first Etsy shop on December 14, 2014.

When I sat down to create all of my Etsy, Gmail, and PayPal accounts, the biggest challenge I faced was coming up with a unique name. "Christine's Beads" was not going to stand out enough for me. I wanted something different, something that stood out and maybe would stick in people's minds. About 8 years ago I was working at The Main Street Deli in Findlay. OH with a group of my dearest friends at the time. One of my daily jobs was to sit in the back and slice and package the pickles that went with the sandwiches for the day, My good buddy came back there one day as I was chopping my morning pickles, and asked, "Aren't you lonely back here all by yourself?" I quickly responded, "Not at all, I have the pickles to keep me company." From that day on I have been known as Pickles. I've had a few nicknames throughout my life but this one sure has stuck. So I settled on Pickles Jewelry Box for my new business venture.

Beginning this business has been a learning adventure every step of the way. I found out real quick that it is more than sitting down and making new pieces. Theres a lot of work to be done to photograph and list each item on Etsy. The inventory must be done, all kinds of supplies bought, packaging, business card, shop policies to decide on. All of this while being the mother of two rambunctious, adorable little boys. With a full time job serving and bar-tending at a local sports bar, "slinging wings", as we like to call it. I have many late nights or early mornings scrambling to get as much work done as I can while my two babies (5 years and 1 year old) are still sleeping. Despite the hours of work on top of my motherly duties, piles of laundry and shifts at my "real" job, this is turning out to be worth every minute of hard work that I have put into it.

Each piece of jewelry is handmade with the utmost care, thought and to the best of my ability. I am blessed with tiny little hands and long fingers that are perfect for making jewelry. I love sitting down at my beading table among my stacks and piles of beads,charms, wire, and many other supplies and seeing what creative inspiration will strike. It is my passion and nothing gives me more pride than to sit back and look over one of my finished pieces.

The first month was fairly successful, I made much more than I would have dreamed I would starting out, because it was just in time for Christmas and I had many friends, family and coworkers purchase my jewelry for Christmas gifts.

I plan on continuing and growing this venture as big and as far out as possible. I learn new things and improve every day. This has been some of the hardest, most time consuming work I have ever done. But I love it so much and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Thanks for reading and visiting my shop,

Welcome! Her I have listed some of my unique, one of a kind work available for purchase. You can also visit my Etsy shop for much more work and detailed dsecriptions.
I love to make custom pieces for people. Contact me for anything special you would like me to design for you.

Tags: Jewelry Store

Address & Contact

861 Fitchland Dr
(937) 241-5470
Local Business

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