Placenta Encapsulation by Kendra - (517) 528-4152

Giving mommas in the Lexington KY area the choice to encapsulate their placentas in order to balance hormones, increase milk production and heal faster.

What is placenta encapsulation?
The placenta is prepared into capsules so that mothers are able to get the nutrients and hormonal benefits the placenta has to offer.

How is the placenta prepared?
The placenta is gently steamed, sliced and dehydrated. It is then ground into a powder and put into capsules.
Steaming the placenta is an integral part of the formation and action of the medicine. It locks in the hormonal benefits while making sure that blood borne pathogens are excluded from the final product.

What are the benefits of placental encapsulation?
Placenta capsules have been used to stabilize mood and hormones, decrease postpartum bleeding, increase energy and have been shown to increase breast milk production.

What do I have to do?
Tell your midwife you’d like to encapsulate your placenta and your healthcare team will save it for you. Bring 2 gallon sized zip-lock bags and a cooler to the hospital. They will double bag the placenta for you and then it should be placed in the cooler on ice until it is picked up for preparation. Let the preparer know you have your baby in your arms and the placenta in the cooler.

What is the recommended dosage?
Recommended use is up to 2 capsules, 3 times a day for the first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks mommas can start to decrease down to 1-2 pills a day until they are gone.

What is the Cost?
Each placenta is different in size so the amount of capsules it makes can vary from 90-150. The cost for this size and quantity is $200.

Tags: Alternative & Holistic Health,Pregnancy & Childbirth Service

Address & Contact

103 Phillips Ct
(517) 528-4152
Professional Services

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