Placentia Christian Fellowship

Sunday: 9am Worship, Open Ministry • 11am Teaching series—"Portraits of a Savior"
Wednesday: 6:45pm Prayer Meeting • 7:30pm 3D Bible Study

A noun, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality. Given that definition one would think Placentia Christian Fellowship categorically fits into the world of nouns. To us, however, the church is more than a place or event—it’s expressing a way of living. We are a fellowship of Christians meeting together in Placentia enjoying the life of Jesus Christ. We have common goals, burdens and, ultimately, a purpose in our fellowship!

We see a local area church as individuals joining with others who share in the same abundant life. As a fellowship of Christ, we have a mutual devotion to serving and presenting the life of our Savior to our community and maybe even a few observing angels in the process. Through a bond of peace the Spirit of God unites us in the One Man who calls us to walk together as His one new man—the Body of Christ. It’s with the insightful words of Jesus Christ, “I will build My church” that our desire is as He prayed, “that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.”


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