Port of Walla Walla - (509) 525-3100

The Port of Walla Walla is a municipal corporation responsible for fostering economic development throughout Walla Walla County.

The Port of Walla Walla is a special purpose government entity involved with diverse economic development activities. The Port owns multiple industrial parks and municipal water and sewer transmission systems throughout Walla Walla County and is the owner and operator of the Walla Walla Regional Airport. The Port derives its revenues from user fees, rentals of property, property taxes, and grants. The Port also administers the Port of Walla Walla Public Corporation (WWPC), a special purpose government with limited powers and governed by a Board of Directors, which is comprised of the same members as the Port Commission. The WWPC issues tax exempt non-recourse industrial revenue bonds (IDBs) to assist in private economic development projects.

The Port’s goal is to increase the economic vitality of Walla Walla County through the retention, expansion, start-up, and recruitment of business and employers and to pursue opportunities and partnerships that facilitate the development and enhancement of a diverse economic base for Walla Walla County.

Follow the Port on Flickr! https://www.flickr.com/photos/portwallawalla/
Founded in 1952, the Port of Walla Walla is a municipal corporation responsible for fostering economic development throughout Walla Walla County. The Port measures its success in terms of its ability to:
- Create and retain family wage jobs;
- Attract and encourage new investment;
- Expand the region's tax base;
- Maintain multi-modal transportation linkages;
- Build community infrastructure to support economic development; and,
- Provide leadership in enhancing Walla Walla County's overall economic vitality and quality of life.

Use policy for the Port of Walla Walla's Facebook page:

The Port of Walla Walla's Facebook Page provides an open forum for sharing and discussing Port operations, activities and events. The comments and opinions expressed by fans of this page are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of the Port of Walla Walla or its employees.

All comments are reviewed after posting. Comments will not be edited by Port of Walla Walla or its staff. Port of Walla Walla reserves the right to remove a comment from this page if it:

- Uses vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language.
- Is not related to the posted topic. The Port’s Facebook Page is not the proper place to express opinions or beliefs not directly related to that topic.
- Promotes or opposes any person campaigning for election to a political office or any ballot proposition.
- Promotes or advertises a business or commercial transaction.

Please note: Communications made through Facebook will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to Port of Walla Walla or any official or employee of Port of Walla Walla for any purpose.

Our hours of operation are regular weekday business hours. Please be aware that we may not respond to comments posted after hours and on weekends and holidays.

Questions or concerns? Contact us at info@portwallawalla.com.

Tags: Community & Government,Travel & Transportation,Business Services

Address & Contact

310 A St
Walla Walla
(509) 525-3100
Government Organization

Map & Directions

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