From the moment a probable case comes in we are invaluable at screening cases for merit and identifying hidden data in the medical record for your case. Call US when your caseload includes: Medical or nursing malpractice, general personal injury.
Together with your legal expertise and our knowledge of the inner workings of the healthcare system will assure you higher profits. We deliver cost effective expertise you need to unlock the secrets of the medical world. A CLNC® consultant is the most productive way for reviewing, analyzing and understanding medical jargon. Call us for all your medically related cases. We will do everything we can to meet your expectations. Combining integrity, compassion and respect for all with the necessary facts required to deliver a winning product are our core beliefs.We free you up to take on more cases and save you dollars by pointing out cases that are not meritorious. As a member of the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants we have instant access to over 6,000 nurse experts in their respected fields to assist you. Call ARW Consulting today to win your medically related cases!