Pranayoganyc - (413) 637-1513

Prana Yoga is a system of yoga practice combining postures, pranayama and chakra sounds

Led by Jeff Migdow, MD, and Marisa Bonfanti,
A Registered 200 hour Yoga Alliance Course
Prana is the Sanskrit word for universal energy or “life force,” analogous to the Chinese concept of “chi” or what homeopaths call “vital force.” In the yogic tradition, prana is seen as pervading and animating the universe, flowing through all things, including us. Yogic practices are designed to increase the flow of prana in our bodies and minds to facilitate healing and expand consciousness. Increased pranic flow enhances mental clarity, emotional stability and physical vitality. In this Prana Yoga teacher training course, you will learn how to practice and teach yoga as a profound science that unites movement, breath, sound, concentration, meditation and to increase pranic flow thereby enhancing mental clarity, emotional stability and physical vitality. Approached in this way, yoga becomes a potent practice for healing and transformation, especially important for us to access during this time of deepening human consciousness. This course will enable you to become a teacher of yoga at its essence and greatly expand the depth and power of your practice and the healing experiences of your students.
This course which takes place over an 10 weekend period will include:
• Learning to practice and teach 22 basic postures in a deep and healing way
• Practicing Prana Yoga together for one hour at the beginning of each session
• Learning specific breathing techniques and mantras/sounds for each posture
•Learning the optimal way to enter the postures for best alignment and safety, including modifications for many different conditions to facilitate healing in yourself and your students
• Basic Western and yogic anatomy and physiology, including how Prana Yoga impacts each part of our physical and subtle bodies
• The history and philosophy of yoga, including the study of ancient yogic texts, such as the Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras
• Direct experiences of prana in your body through meditation techniques, mantra chanting and specific chakra techniques
• Three full-day practice teaching sessions in a safe setting to help you gain confidence as a Prana Yoga teacher
We will learn,explore, and teach together in a relaxed yet focused way. To help keep you in touch with the training between sessions, there will be practice teaching assignments, inspirational and practical reading, journaling of your personal experience and ways to stay in touch with each other. Jeff and Marisa ask that you agree to practice Prana Yoga at least five days a week during the course to stay in touch with the practice and yourself. Also, in order that we all begin with a basic knowledge of the postures, you must have practiced hatha yoga regularly for at least three months and/or have taken at least six months of weekly classes.
The course will build on whatever form of yoga you have been trained in. Yoga teachers and students from all schools and traditions are welcome. Join us for a nine-month journey into the essence of yoga and the healing power of prana. A teaching certificate will be given upon completion of course requirements.

Free Introductory classes:
Sunday, April 19, 6:30-8:00pm
Sunday, June 28, 5:00-6:30pm
Sunday, July 19, 4:00-5:30pm
Saturday, September 12,4:00-5:30pm

Training dates: October 2015–June 2016
(10 weekends), Sat 10am-7pm, Sun. 9am–6pm

Location: Princeton Center for Yoga and Health
88 Orchard Road, Skillman, NJ 08558 · 609-924-7294

Teaching Staff-
Jeff Migdow, MD, the Director of the Prana Yoga Teacher Training program since 1997, certifying over 500 yoga teachers, has taught and studied yoga and healing extensively in North and South America, India and Japan. Jeff has been a holistic medical doctor since 1980 , is a Reiki Master and has practiced yoga intensively for over 30 years, including living in a Kripalu Yoga ashram for 13 years. He is the former director of the Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Program and has written and taught widely about yoga, holistic health and medicine, including the Time-Life book Breathe-In, Breathe-Out. He combines his expertise in yoga practice and scriptures with his knowledge of anatomy and physiology to offer us a truly complete approach to this ancient and profound discipline.,

Marisa Bonfanti, Assistant Director, is a certified Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, and Thai Yoga Bodyworker. She completed her Prana Yoga Teacher Training in 2004 and has since established her own private yoga practice in NYC, offering yoga instruction, yoga therapy, and Thai Yoga Bodywork. She creates safe, nurturing spaces for people to learn, heal, and thrive through body-breath-energy awareness. With more than 900 hours of training in yoga and energy work, she has applied therapeutic yoga in physical therapy and neurology clinics, hospital outreach programs, yoga studios, yoga retreats, and her private practice. Marisa has also been a facilitator and guest teacher at Prana Yoga Teacher Training. As Assistant Director for 2014, Marisa brings a wide range of experience and expertise as well as a true gift for communicating.

Information and Registration:, 609-924-7294


Address & Contact

Princeton Center for Yoga and Health, 88 Orchard Rd
(413) 637-1513

Map & Directions

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