Prayers for The Winslow Family

At 25wks & 6 days Gestation, Joslynn Elizabeth Nichole was born May 26, 2014 at 4:15 AM weighting 1LB 10OZ & 12.25 IN long. This is our journey

May 26, 2014 was one of the scariest days of my life but also one of the happiest. but before that date came was many other scary days. It all started on Tuesday May 13, 2014. I wasn’t feeling well but I figured, in all honestly... that I had ate something bad and had a stomach issue. It wasn’t anything I was too worried about as I’ve dealt with so many pain issues in the pregnancy so far that my DR's office would ignore and not check me for so figured they would ignore this one too. Anyways, my husband (Dan) made me (Drove me) on post to the hospital (My amazing husband is a Medically Retired Wounded Warrior.) I was 24wks exactly & they checked me and I was already 2CM dilated & 90% efface! My journey began. I was whisked to memorial hospital and throughout the next week and 5 days my contractions were stopped over 10 times & on the 12th day at 5:55pm my water broke (May 25th). Joslynn was born May 26th (Memorial Day) at 4:15am weighing 1LB 10OZ, 12.25in long, and only 25wks 6days gestation! Since her birth our beautiful baby girl has been diagnosed with IVH, Hydrocephalus, and SIADH. Joslynn had a stroke during some point in pregnancy. Joslynn has had (as of June 28th) 1 surgery which was to place a reservoir into her brain, 4 blood transfusions, 1 platelet transfusion, over 10 x rays, over 2 head ultrasounds, an ECHO, a PIC line, breathing tube twice, feeding tube still in, 1 eye exam, UAC/UVC, Phototherapy 6 times, was on TPN for 3wks, and was on Vapo Therm for 2wks! Joslynn is a strong little fighter, she amazes us every day, and we will try our best to post updates as frequently as we can. There are many good & bad. We always say that any good outweighs the bad! Things do get very hard for us, Dan is a Disabled vet and is unable to work and I am his caregiver. We do live off his VA money and a small stipend I receive for being his caregiver. Traveling is the hardest burden, you never realize how much gas it takes to get to an amazing hospital until you need to be there every day. We were and hopefully will be again... blessed to be in the Ronald McDonald house for three weeks but having other children to care for (Joslynn has two amazing siblings, her Big sister Mackenzie is 9 and her big Brother Daniel is 6!) leads to sickness sometimes and we had to go back home. Even when at the RMH travel is a must due to our amazing animals. We also didn't have a baby shower and I have been slowly working on items for Joslynn for when she gets home! Honestly I know that God will find a way to give us what we need! I'm going to work on a wish list since people have been asking & I’m going to post some other info also. Prayers, Happy thoughts, & Finger crosses! Thanks so much & God Bless!

To send cards & things for Joslynn & Family::

PO BOX 501
Midway, GA 31320

Wish List for Family::

Donation page::

Websites to further explain Joslynn's diagnoses better::

IVH (Intraventricular Hemorrhage) -


SIADA (Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion) -

Reservoir (Joslynn's Brain Surgery) -


Address & Contact

12 buttler Ave #501

Map & Directions

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