Project Enlighten - (530) 515-9504

Project Enlighten is a registered 501 (c) (3), Non Government, Non-Profit Organization, in the United States of America.

Every organization has its own inspiring sequence of events leading to its inception; for co-founders Asad and Olivia Rahman, it was a chance encounter with a young landmine survivor in the Southeast Asian country of Cambodia in 2003 that changed Asad Rahman’s life forever, but in 2005, something truly extraordinary happened – they met again – 230 km away from where they first encountered one another – and Project Enlighten was born.

Originally formed in 2006 as the Landmine College Fund (LCF), we focused on offering University Scholarships and vocational training to landmine survivors living at Aki Ra’s Cambodian Landmine Museum in Siem Reap, Cambodia. To extend an even farther reach, in 2007, LCF was reorganized and blossomed into “Project Enlighten” (PE) – a non-profit organization facilitating educational opportunities in countries around the globe.

Project Enlighten programs focus on communities and individuals directly impacted by poverty and war; we feel the best way to address these challenges is to focus on education, supporting educational programs considerate of cultural differences.

Project Enlighten supports the facilitation of volunteerism and charitable giving to other non-profit organizations to provide humanitarian assistance worldwide in the areas of education, public health, public safety, economic assistance, environmental health, cultural, religious and social needs.

With the support of good people from all over the world, Project Enlighten continues to provide funding for a variety of educational and skills training programs while proudly continuing to provide educational opportunities to the youth at the Cambodian Landmine Museum.

Our ethos is to create educational opportunities within supported
communities while helping preserve the culture, religious and historic
values of the people we serve. Engaging in meaningful partnerships
with people, communities and organizations who share similar values
and respect to humanity, will help us open a new world of
possibilities to those in need. Our supporters, spiritually,
physically and financially are important to our organization and every
decision made, program or partnership we enter into a mutual agreement with is approached with you in mind.

The program provides charitable support in these areas:

Sustainable Community Projects
Environmental Health & Safety
Non-discriminatory cultural, religious & social support
Charitable Economical Assistance [benevolence]

Tags: Charity Organization

Address & Contact

PO Box 550505
South Lake Tahoe
(530) 515-9504
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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