Best Hotel in Rawlins
At the Pronghorn Inn & Suites, each guestroom features a flat-panel television, refrigerator, microwave, coffeemaker, sleek granite countertops, desk unit with easily accessible power and data ports, and hairdryer. Suites are equipped with wet bars and divided into four ‘zones’ with space to work, eat, sleep, and relax. The hotel features the stylish, high-quality white linens with triple sheeting, down-like blanket, bed scarf, and extra pillows. Guests can enjoy complimentary coffee, daily deluxe hot breakfast, guest laundry facilities, and an on-site Sweet Shop.
The Pronghorn Inn & Suites offers single, double, and suite accommodations. The hotel’s color palette is bold, rich colors to create a comfortable, inviting atmosphere.
Tags: Inn