Prosthetic - (360) 895-1976

"Stand Tall"
with Prosthetic Tattoo Art.
Dan Horkey helps other Amputees & the Disabled Restores Courage, Self-Esteem & Pride!
Also Supports Our Vets

Prosthetic Ink 2008-2013 © All rights reserved. Patent Pending methods and systems customizing with airbrushing designs, using automotive paints, and spray on chroming.
the Prosthetic INK Technology

Dan Horkey set out to develop the first business of its kind in the World to offer state of the art - Patent Pending methods that are airbrushed, fine art hand-brushed, pin stripe designs or painted with automotive colors.


In very short time I took delivery of my new leg with a Koi Fish design. It is so much nicer than I could have even imagined. Koi represents my courage and perseverance.
I think this leg takes me from the “disabled” list to the “differently-abled” list. I look at this leg each morning and it makes me smile.
Nancy Andrist from Washington State

“I want to be pro-active and ward off any potential negative comments from the children. As his mother and biggest fan, I promised Maddox that when the time came for him to start kindergarten that he would have the ‘coolest’ orthopedic brace there ever was.
My goal is for others not to necessarily see the brace but the artwork that is on the brace. If he is to receive any attention, I want it to be positive.”
Amy from Boulder, CO

I call this leg my Power Leg. Having the Superman with my Ranger tab and crest custom airbrushed on my prosthetic, makes me feel like I'm back with my guys. Rangers Lead The Way!
Having this artwork done, made me push myself harder to recover from my loss. Thanks Dan Horkey for all you do for us.

SSG Nathan Brown (US Army Ranger)

I chose to have a patriotic theme with our flag, a Marine Corps Emblem and my dates of service on my prosthetic to show everyone that I have served and I am very proud of it. My pride goes up every time people see it and the reaction is “OH WOW IS THAT COOL.” The work done by offers a unique one of a kind product and that is just what I wanted.

Mark Beall (Ret. USMC)

Tags: Disabled Persons Services,Artistic Services,Shopping & Retail

Address & Contact

2981 Lowren Loop
Port Orchard
(360) 895-1976
Retail and Consumer Merchandise

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