A 10 Week Fitness & Food Challenge for the winter population of Provincetown in 2014.
Inspired by the great success of the journey of five men- Tony/Eric/George/Brian/Alex who worked out and watched food intake through the 12 Weeks in the winter of 2011. Starting in January of 2012 through the spring of 2014, there were three town wide fitness challenges, attracting more than 200 people in the 3300 winter population. Denise Gaylord is the Personal Trainer and Life Coach/Facilitator, and creator of a PFC workbook, as well as co-director with Daniel Llata, and Provincetown Library in the production of 13 films and one DVD. Local fitness professionals have been involved as educators, and local comedians and entertainers are shown in the dvd.
Before and After Pictures will be taken and a fitness test as well to mark the progress of the participants.