QuestFusion advises CEOs and boards on areas of strategy, corporate development, raising growth capital, and navigating through rapid growth.
QuestFusion advises company founders, CEOs and boards of directors on areas of strategy, new business development, market segmentation, strategic customer engagements, and raising growth capital. We have decades of executive experience in navigating a company through rapid growth, and the dynamics associated with changes in strategic direction. We have significant experience in developing and implementing business processes that are suitable for emerging companies.
QuestFusion can help founders and CEOs that are running up against the wall in strategy formulation, articulation of their business strategy, raising capital, and acquisition of new customers. QuestFusion can help with resource allocation and execution challenges.
QuestFusion will also consider taking equity investments in your company as an angel investor. At the right time, QuestFusion can help you to sell your business.
QuestFusion’s specific market focus is on semiconductors and software companies, the pay television ecosystem, consumer electronics, the connected home, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Tags: Marketing Consultant,Business Consultant,Investing Service