Radnor Hunt Cotillion - (303) 757-5333

The Radnor Hunt Cotillion has instructed students in social skills and social dance education since 1996.

REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at www.cotillion.com

There are several definitions for the term cotillion, but for thousands of young people in the United States, JDW Cotillions holds a very special meaning. Each year the nationally recognized company brings its cotillion programs to cities where students of all ages develop social and communication skills that will have an influential and positive impact throughout their lifetimes.

JDW Cotillions are social education programs, where students learn the application of social skills and the art of social dance. JDW Cotillions offers one of the most unique and extensive programs in the country.

Classes are directed by an exceptionally qualified staff of instructors, who not only teach at primary and secondary school levels – but also at university, business and corporate levels. Their goal is to contribute to their students' characters by building a foundation of social awareness for future relationships and career opportunities.

Having good social skills and being able to properly present one’s self is a necessity in today's increasingly competitive society. It empowers individuals to feel comfortable with themselves and others, to communicate more effectively, and to set a leadership example in school, business, or in any social situation--promoting personal growth, confidence and character.


Address & Contact

826 Providence Rd
(303) 757-5333
Community Organization

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