Reedsburg Area High School - (608) 524-4327

RAHS News hosts a variety of news updates from Reedsburg Area High School. Visit the website to view daily announcements, videos from the Video Production Class, and blog updates from The Student Voice.

Reedsburg Area High School is an educational leader and promotes the exchange of thoughts and ideas, and therefore respects First Amendment rights and encourages core U.S. free speech values. We hope that all visitors to our page exercise their rights to free speech.

For that reason, the contents of the Wall, Comments Sections, and other areas available for posts are the result of text submitted by individual Facebook members and Reedsburg Area High School students, faculty and staff, but they do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Reedsburg Area High School.

Reedsburg Area High School does not pre-screen comments.

By becoming a fan of this community or posting to this page, you agree to abide by a certain code of conduct spelled out in this Terms of Use document.

As a fan of this community, you agree to:

-Conduct all discourse in a courteous and respectful manner
-Refrain from posting material that is slanderous, libelous, profane, obscene, or offensive
-Refrain from spamming discussion forums or comment walls with promotional material
-Observe standard online rules of etiquette for participating in discussion forums
-Observe the Copyright regulations and Acceptable Use and Conduct guidelines published in the Facebook Terms of Service documentation.

As fan page administrator, Reedsburg Area High School reserves the right to:

-Monitor posted content and remove at its sole discretion any material it deems inappropriate, illegal, or offensive
-Revoke fan membership privileges when justified by inappropriate conduct
-Post content it feels might be of interest to community members
-Make changes to this Terms of Use document at any time
-Participation in our Facebook page is strictly voluntary, and members assume all responsibility for ensuring that any content they post—including text, music, sound, photographs, graphics, and video—is accurate and does not infringe on any copyrights or trademarks.
-Reedsburg Area High School does not control nor rigorously monitor all posted content and does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of such content.

Members may report any inappropriate behavior or content to the network administrator by using the “Report” link located at the bottom of each comment.


Address & Contact

1100 S Albert Ave
(608) 524-4327
Education Website

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