Reclaiming Authentic Christianity, training world changers in the five fold grace gifts. From Capistrano Valley to the Nations, it is time.
What do we mean by authentic Christianity? While we love the rich heritage of the church, and we honor the work of those who have laid a foundation before us, we believe the church has derailed from its original mission. The Holy Spirit gave the 5-fold grace gifts for the building up of the church. Ephesian 4:11-12 says "he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ." With a single lead pastor model, the work of the ministry seems to fall on one individual, and the equipping of the saints seems to fall short to more entertaining of the saints. Our heart is to see the 5-fold leadership restored to bring gifted and balanced leadership who will train up each person who comes to be the church activated, each one a leader in his/her sphere of influence. This means many leaders, raising up many more leaders. The late John Wimber said it this way, "Everybody gets to play!" You are invited, come play.
Tags: Church