Ridgewood Masonic Lodge #146 - (707) 462-3002

Masonry is the world's first and largest fraternal organization. It is a body of knowledge and a system of ethics based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity.

Masonic philosophy and values

Freemasonry is a fraternity based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity. As Masons we value and promote:

• Ethics - Masons practice a lifestyle based on honor, integrity, and philanthropic values. We believe there’s more to life than pleasure and money.
• Personal growth - We respect others’ opinions and strive to grow and develop as human beings.
• Tolerance - The fraternity transcends religious, ethnic, cultural, social, and educational differences..
• Education - Masons opened some of the first public schools in America and lobbied in the 1800s for statesupported education and colleges. Today, Masons provide support for California’s public schools in many ways.
• Diversity - Freemasonry celebrates ethnic diversity and welcomes men of all racial backgrounds. Masons believe in the importance of religion; men of all faiths are members of the organization.
• Philanthropy - It is estimated that Masons contribute more than 1.4 million charitable dollars every day in the United States in support of public education, community programs, and individuals in need.
• Family - Strong family relationships are important, and we include our families in many of our activities. Striving to be better husbands, fathers, and family members enhances our fellowship.
• Community - We are committed to make a difference in our world through community service, volunteerism, and charity.

Stated meetings are held the first Friday of every month at 7pm for Lodge members preceded by dinner at 6pm for all members, families, guests and anyone interested in Freemasonry.

Membership educational sessions are held every third Friday at 7pm for Lodge members progressing through their Degree Proficiencies and for Raised members seeking further Light in Masonry.

Every second and third Wednesday of the month we conduct Schools of Instruction for Lodge officers at 7pm in the ritual and traditions of a Masonic Lodge. All Master Masons are welcome to attend.

Tags: Organization

Address & Contact

205 W Perkins St, PO Box 952
(707) 462-3002
http://www.facebook.com/Ridgewood.Masonic.Lodge.146 http://www.freemason.org/ http://www.masonicheritage.org/
Non-Profit Organization

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