We provide Hearing testing, ear care, and counseling as well as knowledgeable Hearing Aid fittings. Pediatric Audiology is our subspecialty. Don't forget to get a baseline hearing test, especially in the presence of any ear symptoms!
Dr. Flora Holderbaum is an experienced clinician, formerly a pediatric Audiologist at Bellevue Hospital, who is fulfilling a life dream by opening her own practice. She founded Riverdale Audiology to provide quality, personal hearing care for north Manhattan, west Bronx, and south Westchester.
We are licensed to dispense Hearing Aids and offer an itemized package that will ensure you get the care you need while saving you money. Riverdale Audiology specializes in cutting edge Hearing Aid technology such as the Starkey Halo, which allows fine control over a Hearing Aid via a link to an iPhone.
We collaborate with our neighbors— Columbia Doctors, Ola Pediatrics, and Riverdale Family Practice— and/or your primary care physician to ensure that your doctors stay informed so they can make the best decisions for your health. Referrals are welcomed from any doctor who sees a need for their patient to recieve convenient hearing care and counseling.
Thank you for visiting our profile page and we hope to see you soon!
Tags: Audiologist