Run- Hawaii - (800) 975-6469 Join us in Jan 2014 for 3 Group Runs on 3 Different Hawaiian Islands! January 18-25 - one week all inclusive Hawaiian cruise with shipboard meals!

Run-Hawaii is an idea that had been in our minds for years, but it
always seemed too expensive for us to fly to Hawaii for just one running
event and too complex to try to run on more than one island during a single trip.
In 2008, with the Hawaii cruise ship that circles the islands weekly, we found
it is all possible. We found qualified runners in the Islandsto help us with the
events and our dream became a reality.

January was chosen as an ideal time for this event because so much of
our country is covered by ice, snow, and rain at that time. The tropical weather
in Hawaii is beautiful in January and will rejuvenate your running senses and
enjoyment of the outdoors

Cruise Ship Headquarters appeared to be a fantastic way to accomplish
everything our event needed. It provides us with unique transportation to each
island. It gives us deluxe accommodations, all meals, and nightly entertainment.
It makes it easy for runners to bring their families with them. And, most of all,
it gives us the perfect platform to host this one-of-a-kind running event.

Run-Hawaii 2014: The run coordinators for Run-Hawaii 2014, Tom Johnson
and his wife Marcia Smith, are both runners. Tom is a former elite ultra runner
and they are also both Equestrian competitors in multiple disciplines. They will host
the shipboard activities, keep you informed throughout the week and accompany
you on all island runs. Tom and Marcia helped host the initial Run-Hawaii
event in 2008. Marv Johnson will be processing your applications and will
be your contact by e-mail and phone. Marv is a former ultra runner and
has been the contact person for all Run-Hawaii events to date.

Tags: Event

Address & Contact

16981 Placer Hills Rd, Suite A-9
Meadow Vista
(800) 975-6469

Map & Directions

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