Rutgers University Career Services- New Brunswick/Piscataway - (848) 932-7997

Get help with choosing a major/career, finding an internship/job, and exploring graduate school plans; Tweet Us! @RUcareers

Top Reasons to make an appointment with a career counselor:

1. Discover what college majors and careers best fit with your personality by taking a career assessment. An appointment with a career counselor is necessary prior to career assessment use.

2. Discover what you can do with your major after graduation.

3. Get your resume, cover letter, and personal statement critiqued.

4. Stop by the Career & Interview Center on Busch and set up an appointment for a mock interview. Gain confidence and sharpen your skills!

5. Thinking about grad school? Talk to a career counselor to find out what programs are best for you and how to prepare.

Too busy to stop by University Career Services in person? Take advantage of our online resources!

1. Check out our website at to keep track of upcoming career days, panels, and workshops.

2. Create your resume for FREE using CareerKnight. Sharpen your interviewing skills online by using InterviewStream.

3. Take advantage of CareerKnight and CareerShift to find job and internship opportunities. Create your profile, post your resume, and apply to positions instantly!
Go to:

4. Connect with Rutgers alumni through the Alumni Career Network and get help from your fellow Scarlet Knights!

5. Interested in a specific company or industry, but need more information? Use Vault’s Career Insider. Create an account using your Rutgers email address. Go to

Tags: College &

Address & Contact

106 Somerset St, 4th Fl & 604 Bartholomew Road-Busch Campus Center
New Brunswick
(848) 932-7997

Map & Directions

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