Saint Francis Xavier LifeTeen - (602) 212-4529

Saints Francis Xavier Life Teen Program is a Eucharist-centered Catholic program for high school teens. SFX Life Teen Leading Teens Closer to Christ!!!

Life Teen:
Life Teen is an international Catholic movement that serves the Church by providing resources and faith experiences that help lead teens closer to Christ. This is accomplished through a vibrant Eucharistic spirituality and by creating widespread opportunities for teens to grow in their faith. Life Teen believes that this Eucharist-centered ministry has the power to transform teens, transform parishes, and transform culture. Above all, Jesus Christ is at the center of who we are and of all that we do.

Life Teen has a cool Catholic website for teenagers, Life Teen is on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Life Teen has young adult missionaries in Georgia, Arizona, and Germany. Life Teen has several camps throughout the United States where Teens can have fun, experience nature and grow closer to Christ.

Life Teen’s parish-based ministry for high school teenagers is used by over 1100 Catholic parishes around the world. In 2003, Life Teen launched a national Edge ministry for middle school kids, which is now used by almost 600 parishes.

What makes it work?:
Providing teens and their parents with a liturgy geared towards their spiritual needs is at the heart of Life Teen's effectiveness. The program educates by presenting the truth in the context of the teachings and theology of the Catholic Church. This is accomplished through transformation prayer experiences, discussions, and the sharing of personal experiences. Teens are given the opportunity to become an integral part of the parish through service, outreach, and social gatherings.

The media used to enhance the teens' experience of community worship is artistically worthy, appropriate, and appealing to them. Music and the art forms provide crucial links to the teens and the assembly and the liturgy they share together.

Like all teenagers, the teens of Saints Francis Xavier Catholic Community face many pressures and difficult social choices. Depression, drugs, broken homes, shattered relationships, and extreme materialism are facts of life for today's high school teens. Life Teen provides sanctuary, hope, and acceptance for teens at a time in their lives when all of these positive elements can seem in very short supply.

The Life Teen ministry at Saints Francis Xavier celebrates a Sunday Night Youth Liturgy every week. Life Teen members gather for an evening session called a Life Night. During the week, Life Teen Clubs and prayer groups meet to continue learning and studying together.

Twice a year, Life Teen sponsors weekend retreats. These events allow teens to leave familiar surroundings and routines to devote special energy to developing a better relationship with themselves, others, and especially with Jesus Christ. Throughout the year, there are also many opportunities for meaningful Christian service throughout the parish and the community as a whole. Life Teen also offers many summer activities, which includes various youth conferences, summer camps, and mission trips as well as many other recreational trips throughout the year.

The recipients of all of this labor of love are the teens. Life Teen provides an opportunity for them to feel welcomed and loved. They are given a constructive, loving, positive alternative to many of the negative, destructive activities of contemporary society. As a result of Life Teen, teens can experience real joy and find their lives transformed forever.

Tags: High School,Junior High School

Address & Contact

4715 N Central Ave
(602) 212-4529
Church/Religious Organization

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