Saint James Church is a Roman Catholic Christian community in the Diocese of Syracuse, New York.
Welcome to the Saint James Roman Catholic Church page on Facebook. We invite you to discover the richness of the Saint James parish community in the beauty of our liturgies and the friendliness of our parishioners. At Saint James Church, we strive to show others the love of God, the grace of His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the teachings of the Universal Church. We encourage students at the local universities and their families to make Saint James Church their spiritual home away from home. If you are in the Greater Syracuse area, please come to Saint James Church to experience our vibrant Faith community. God bless you.
Father John D. Manno, Pastor
Anticipated Sunday Mass on Saturday Evening: 4:00pm
Sunday Mass: 8:15am, 11:15am
Daily Mass (Monday Tuesday, Thursday): 9:00am
Daily Mass (Wednesday, Friday): 6:45am
Mass on Solemnities and Feasts (Holy Days of Obligation): consult the bulletin
Baptism: Arrangements may be made by contacting a priest of the parish.
Reconciliation (Confessions): The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday from 3:15pm to 3:45pm and on an as-needed basis. Evening Penance services take place during Advent and Lent.
Marriage: According to diocesan policy, weddings must be arranged at least six months in advance.
Anointing of the Sick and Visitations: Please call the rectory as soon as someone is admitted to the hospital or confined at home.
Tags: Catholic Church