San Jacinto College, Central Art Department - (281) 476-1501 Ext 1376

Gallery exhibition proposal requirements see photo album "Proposals" in photos

The Department of Art at San Jacinto College Central offers a complete range of courses for the art major and an interesting assortment of electives for the general student and members of the community. The Associate of Arts in Art degree is foundation based and is instrumental in preparing students to pursue a bachelor's degree in Studio Art, Art History, or Art Education.

Students focusing in Visual Communications courses develop their portfolios to pursue arts positions within the commercial art field. The visual communications foundation courses prepare students for entry-level graphic artists' positions at newspapers, magazines, and public relations firms. The visual communications courses all incorporate computer graphics in order to provide the most current skills and graphic arts computer applications and image processing.

Art Exhibitions are a regular part of the Art program, hosting a series of exhibitions including visiting artists, as well as regular faculty and student shows. In addition, each year the Department of Art sponsors a High School Scholarship Competition, whose winners are also part of the scheduled series of exhibitions.

Art Facilities include modern and comfortable teaching spaces designed to help students grow, artistically and academically, with six specialized spaces; including, drawing, design, painting, ceramics, photography and computer-art studios. Small classes, outstanding instructors, modern facilities, and low cost are all good reasons to prepare for tomorrow's creative careers through San Jacinto College Central's fine arts programs.

Scholarships are awarded each year to visual art students through a competitive review of a personal art portfolio. In addition, there are federal loans and grants as well as academic scholarships awarded through the college and work-study opportunities.

San Jacinto College Central's dedication to the total educational experience assures that our fine arts students always take center stage. Along with outstanding instruction, a number of amenities await you: flexible class scheduling, recreational facilities, numerous student organizations, personalized academic counseling, financial aid and Web and telephone registration.

Tags: Art School,Art Gallery,College & University

Address & Contact

8060 Spencer Highway
(281) 476-1501 Ext 1376

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