Learning for a Lifetime!
ACE offers the most extensive and exciting schedule of adult enrichment classes in Sarasota! With over 100 instructors and more than 2,000 classes offered annually, we are the "GO TO" for learning something new and having FUN doing it!
Not sure what to take? Well, what about learning a new language? Or perhaps you are ready to heed that secret desire for learning how to paint? Or maybe you want to stay in touch with friends and family, but are a little timid around that scary looking computer!
And there's more! Ever thought about Golf? Cooking? Creative Writing? Dancing? Meditation? Photography? Scuba? The possibilities are endless...
For a FULL listing of our classes and descriptions please visit our website. There is still time to register for the Fall semester!
Part of Suncoast Technical College (formerly SCTI), the ACE program serves over 12,000 registrants in non-credit enrichment classes. Through partnerships with area agencies such as The YMCA and The Glenridge, ACE has a presence throughout the County.
Classes are held throughout Sarasota County, including: SCTI campus, Whole Foods Market, The Friendship Center, and more!
Tags: Active Life