Second Baptist Church, Woodway - School of Performing Arts - (713) 365-2400 Ext 7014

The School of Performing Arts exists to help students of all ages glorify the Lord with their talents by providing professional quality instruction in a Christ-centered environment.

We find in the Bible the basis for training in the arts, when people were set aside to be trained as musicians, singers, dancers and leaders of worship in Solomon’s temple. (1 Chronicles 25:6-8, 2 Chronicles 5:11-14) With this biblical example of experienced artists training less-experienced artists in mind, our purposes for the ministry of the School of Performing Arts are:

1. To provide a Christian environment in which students of all ages are taught to develop the artistic gifts God has given them, and to better understand how they can use those gifts to glorify Him.
2. To give highly skilled Christian instructors the opportunity to pass on their knowledge in teaching and nurturing new generations of artists.
3. To help students develop life skills such as responsibility, discipline, respect, determination and perseverance through their study.
4. To encourage the participation of experienced artists in the Worship Ministry of Second Baptist Church or their home church.
5. To strengthen and encourage relationships between Second Baptist Church and the community.

Tags: Religious Organization

Address & Contact

6400 Woodway Dr
(713) 365-2400 Ext 7014
Church/Religious Organization

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