Selah Groove Creative Arts & Enrichment Academy - (619) 479-0850

A dance and art academy located in the lovely community of Bonita, CA

We have 2 performances a year for friends/family & the community. We may perform at various churches/street fairs & events. Classes consists of instruction, technique, specific corrections, across the floor combinations, performance combinations & prayer. Every quarter students are given an evaluation on progress & every 2 times a year they will be able to move up to the next level &/or given a certificate on outstanding performance, outstanding kindness or helpful in class/with peers, as well as a certificate for achievement in dance/music/art level..

Teaching the gift of giving/blessing others! Selah dollars- Students will receive 1 Selah dollar every time they attend class, $1 every time they know dance without looking at another, $1 every time they perform dance by their self, $1 every time they add character/smiles to their dance. That is $4 every class & $28 dollars every month! Students will get to purchase from the Kings Store gifts for families, friends/sponsor a friend. 4-5 times a year they will get to purchase gifts only to give out to another for Valentines, Easter, Christmas & families/friends Birthday. This special program will help our students learn the beauty of blessing another with a gift & earning Selah bucks to do this! 1 time a year they will be allowed to purchase a special item for themselves. We want to give back to our community & this is another way we want to show our love!


Address & Contact

5080 Bonita Rd Suite B
(619) 479-0850

Map & Directions

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