Sheboygan Lakeshore I Love My Addict Support Group

A support group for the loved one's of addicts

Mission Statement

My Mission for this group is to let the loved one's of addicts know that they are no longer alone, That addiction is a family disease, It affects all members of the family, Not just the parents.
It is very painful to watch our loved one slowly kill themselves with drugs, We become obsessed with the addicts behavior and try to control it, And fail every time. The addict pushes us farther away, We feel a sense of loss and lack of control, the addict slowly controls our life, By the way we react to the addict, and towards the siblings of the addict. Not all addicts are children, Sometimes it's our spouse. The child of an addicted parent has no control over what is happening in their lives, They unfortunately have to sit back in fear and watch the family slowly self destruct.
I want this group to bring families and loved one's of addicts together by sitting at the same table and to let each and everyone of them know that they are not alone, We feel their pain, their sense of loss, Lack of control and the urgency to “fix” our loved one.
This group is not about learning how to “fix” our addict, It is a peer group that will learn through each other and readings how to “fix” ourselves, how to put yourself and the other loved ones in our life ahead of the negative behavior of our addict. I want this group to share their knowledge and experiences with each other so we can learn from each other. Learn new coping skills, things that have worked for other group members, things that have not worked just caused more pain. A group of great minds working together as one, to come up with coping skills for when the road gets rough, or to celebrate when our addict is in rehab and working hard on their road to sobriety. A group to pat each other on the back, to laugh with each other, To cry for each other, A support group to help us become survivors of our addicts.

Tags: Addiction Resources

Address & Contact

1248 Lincoln Ave / St John UCC
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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