Sierra Vista Birth Center - (805) 546-7600

Welcome your baby with experienced, quality care close to home at Sierra Vista. And visit to share in our local Mom2Mom community.

After 50 years and more than 40,000 babies, Sierra Vista knows babies, moms and dads. This experience allows us to provide seamless pre and postnatal care from early pregnancy through childbirth and beyond. Our dedicated nursing staff is selected for its vast expertise in both low and high risk situations and is here to help honor your birth plan. Whether you chose natural childbirth or need medical intervention, the Birth Center team is here to support you through the labor process and provide the resources to make your child’s birthday as smooth as possible.

Breastfeeding Friendly: The Birth Center at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center is committed to the health and well-being of all newborns and new mothers. That is why we’ve made it a priority to encourage breastfeeding in our hospital and give new mothers the tools and resources they need to keep breastfeeding once they’ve taken their baby home.

Private Labor Rooms: These single patient rooms are appointed with amenities to make you feel at home throughout your birthing process. Each room includes a flat screen television, wireless internet access and a sleeper chair for your partner or coach.

Private Recovery Rooms: Following Sierra Vista's Birth Center Expansion in December 2012, we're now able to provide private rooms to all our postpartum mother-baby couplets. The addition of these rooms allows the hospital to meet the ever growing needs of our community while giving new families the privacy and space they need to bond.

Deluxe Hydrotherapy Labor Tub: Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center is giving pregnant mothers another option when it comes to pain management. Hydrotherapy labor tubs utilize the soothing properties of warm water immersion to relax the patient and to help ease patient discomfort and anxiety. Soaking in a warm tub has been shown to be an effective way to work with contractions and ease back pain during labor. The water allows the patient to be buoyant, relaxing her body and helping to progress her labor.

High Risk Capabilities: Not only can we care for the unexpected, we can help prevent it, too. Nobody expects difficulties in childbirth, but the Birth Center team of specialists at Sierra Vista is trained in the early detection of complications and can take steps to avoid them before they become problems. In addition, our two operating rooms, located within the labor and delivery unit, allow physicians to perform cesarean sections quickly and efficiently. Anesthesiologists are on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide pain management to laboring mothers.

VBAC: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now encourages women who have had a prior cesarean section to try natural childbirth. If you and your physician decide that a VBAC delivery is an option for your birth plan, Sierra Vista is fully equipped to accommodate your choice. Anesthesiologists are on-site during all VBAC labors.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Sometimes, even the most advanced pre-natal care can’t prevent complications in pregnancy. Having a baby doesn’t always go according to plan. Sierra Vista's advanced Level III NICU is here to provide you with peace of mind should your baby need immediate medical intervention or just a little extra care following her entrance into the this world.

Tags: Pregnancy & Childbirth Service,Hospital,Doctor

Address & Contact

1010 Murray Ave
San Luis Obispo
(805) 546-7600

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