Snohomish County PUD - (425) 783-1000

This page is monitored M-F, 8a.m.-5p.m. Customer Service: 425-783-1000, Report Outages 24/7: 425-783-1001, Energy Consultant: 425-783-1700

This Facebook page is NOT monitored 24/7. Please call customer service at 425-783-1000 for assistance.

Snohomish County PUD is the second largest publicly owned utility in Washington. We serve over 335,000 electric customers and 20,000 water customers. Our service territory covers over 2,200 square miles, including all of Snohomish County and Camano Island.

Facebook Page Use and Comment Policy

This Facebook page provides an opportunity for sharing and discussing information about Snohomish County PUD programs and activities. The comments and opinions expressed by users are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of Snohomish County PUD or its employees. All comments will be reviewed upon posting. They are screened in accordance with the PUD Facebook page use policy below.

- Only comments that comply with this PUD Facebook page use policy will remain posted, all others will be removed.

- The use of vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language is prohibited.

- Comments should be limited to comments related to the posted topics. The PUD Facebook page is not the proper place to express opinions or beliefs not directly related to posted topics.

- This page is not open to comments promoting or opposing any person campaigning for election to a political office or promoting or opposing any ballot proposition, initiative or referendum.

- The PUD Facebook page is not open to the promotion or advertisement of a business or commercial transaction or request for donation.

- Communications made through the PUD Facebook page wall posts, comment section and/or other messaging system will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to Snohomish County PUD or any official or employee of Snohomish County PUD for any purpose.

- This PUD Facebook page use policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time to ensure its continued use is consistent with its intended purpose as a limited forum.

Questions or concerns regarding this Facebook page should be made online at in the Contact Us section.

Tags: Public Utility

Address & Contact

2320 California St
(425) 783-1000
Government Organization

Map & Directions

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