SPEDucate - (615) 496-1482

SPEDucate advocates for children and specialize in the delivery of educational services to children age 10-18 with learning disabilities.

Serving Atlanta, GA, Nashville, TN & surrounding counties, Memphis, TN, and Chattanooga, TN.

SPEDucate was born out of a love to assist our most ignored population and every child and learning style in between. Many gifted children find themselves not challenged in class, and low performing children are not advancing at an acceptable rate. I once sat in a meeting where praise was given for only 15% of the student body reaching the proficient and advanced level in math on a state test! I found that the expectations are low, and the students will more than likely remain stagnate in their learning. Additionally, I found many parents frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to assist their child learn and advance year to year as their child matriculated through school. I had to do something. I couldn't remain inactive anymore. I gathered up a team of outstanding Educators, and a Paralegal to participate in a wonderful endeavor to assist children. One thing I learned from my late mother is to always fight for justice, and persevere!

SPEDucate offers services for gifted, general education, and exceptional education children ages 10-18. We also offer Workshops for General & Exceptional Educators, and parent & community groups. Presentations to parents and community groups are always free!

Tutoring- Math (up to Calculus), English writing & Shakespeare, Reading comprehension, history, and general science (middle school children only).

Educational Testing- Placement test, aptitude (achievement) test, and child interest inventory. Woodcock Johnson (Achievement only), Pearson products, and other reputable and valid testing instruments used.

Educational Consulting & Advocacy- Advocates answer questions that parents may have about navigating their child's education pathway, parent conference meeting style recommendations, and any other question that parents may have. We also advocate on behalf of all children inclusive of sitting in or answering questions regarding Federal 504 or Individualized Education Plans/Programs (IEP).

Educator Workshops and Individual Teacher Sessions-All of the workshops are centered around teaching Exceptional Education students. Workshops include Exceptional Educator case studies (refresher course to advanced legal matters in teaching exceptional children and authoring an IEP), Co-Teaching & other styles of consulting & collaborating, Teaching the ADHD child, Constructing viable and strong FBAs and BIP Phases I & II, writing strong and very descriptive IEPs, Tactile-Kinesthetic learning in math, and many other relevant workshops that address current issues in Exceptional Education. We also work with INDIVIDUAL teachers who want a session on any of the above topics.

Parent & Community Workshops-What is Specialized education and what are my rights? This is an introductory workshop/presentation on special education, with an emphasis on parent roles and responsibilities, and procedural safeguards that protect and preserve a child's right to a free and appropriate education.

Tags: al Service,Disability Services

Address & Contact

PO Box 11
Whites Creek
(615) 496-1482

Map & Directions

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