Springboro Ward - Emergency Preparedness

Welcome to the Springboro Ward official Facebook Emergency Preparedness Response page. We will keep it current with the most recent news, videos, and photos. So Get a Kit, Make a Plan & Be Informed

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

“If Ye are Prepared Ye shall not Fear.” D&C 38:30

Emergencies, by definition, arise without warning. It is our desire to present an emergency preparedness and food storage program for our members. Members can cope best by preparing for a disaster before it strikes. Once a disaster hits, no one will have time to shop or search for supplies. But if we have gathered supplies in advance, we can endure an evacuation or home confinement with greater safety, ease and calm. Once a personal disaster hits you can endure the trauma if you are prepared.

It is our desire to give you all the information possible to help you with storage of food, water, and the extra supplies you will need in your homes, if a disaster or personal needs occur. We recognize the right and responsibility of each adult member to ask for and receive inspiration regarding your own activities and activities of members of your families. We encourage each of you to prayerfully consider your options. The decisions that result are very personal and apply to specific individuals, families and circumstances. We will do all we can to support you in your efforts and decisions. There are four areas to focus on:

1. Spiritual Preparedness
2. Individual and family food storage (preparedness for all family members)
3. Disaster Preparedness-who is your Branch Contact
4. Individual 72-hour kits for every member of the family

We can be easily isolated from supplies, therefore being prepared has an even greater importance. As members we have been counseled to work on a year supply of food for many years. It is a matter of the choices we make and our priorities. We are now counseled to store at least 3 months worth of food. Our home storage is not only good for times of disasters, but in times of unemployment, illness and tragedy. We can find wisdom in all things and blessings, if we follow counsel. Since it is our individual responsibility to prepare ourselves and our families for any type of emergency that can occur, it may be difficult for many of you to gather any supplies; however, if you can gather even a three months supply and a 72 hr. kit (big or small) you are starting. It is not wise to go into debt or borrow money to obtain your storage. Begin your food storage slowly. It is your responsibility to “try” to do what you can to help yourself and your family. The following pages of information will help you.

All of the following information was taken from American Red Cross, LDS manuals, Young Women Camp manuals, Boy Scout Manual, FEMA, American Defense Forces and personal experience.

Thank you,

Bishop Clawson

Tags: Religious Organization

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