Springtown Villa Resident Council - (512) 353-7343

Springtown Villa Resident Council consist of Council Officers that live within the community and volunteer their time and are the voice of the community.


We are a Non-Profit Organization that is located in Springtown Villa Apartments; which falls under the umbrella of The San Marcos Public Housing Authority. Even though the Resident Council is located in Springtown Villa we are not funded by The San Marcos Public Housing Authority. It is our responsibility in partnership with The Office of Resident Services to coordinate in ways to search for individuals, organizations and businesses that are willing to assist with donations either with funds or by sponsorship or in other significant ways. This allows us to plan activities, holiday events and other programs that enhances the quality of life for our residents. This also assists our residents to cope with sudden changes or existing challenges in their lives. We try to help with the transitioning of their old lifestyle into their new lifestyle either because of retirement or because they have become disabled.


The Springtown Villa Resident Council Consist of five Council Officers which occupy the following positions: The President, Vice President, Council Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant of Arms and at times we have a sixth officer which is our Historian; which all of us volunteer our time. We do this in good conscious that the decisions we make as a whole is for the good of the entire community. We as Council Officers step up from within the community not for honors, glorification or entitlements but because we care about our fellow neighbors and our community and above all for our community to have a voice when it comes to our homes.


Unfortunately, some people that have never gone through a traumatic medical issue or life changing event, tend to not understand how it can effect a healthy person that has always been able to do everything on their own one day and the next day it gets taking away in a blink of an eye. Now that person who never had to rely on anyone, now has to rely on other individuals for assistance with simple daily activities sometimes for the rest of their lives. A situation like this can destroy someone's mental health, very quickly. Now those things we used to take for granted like going outside enjoying the sun, being with family or just enjoying it on your won, holidays with family or friends, family gatherings, going out for a movie and many more things in life we do without thinking how a sudden change to our life effects many things. So, here is where we try to come in and schedule programs, activities and have events throughout the month, to keep this from happening to any of our residents. The Resident Council works closely with The Resident Services Coordinator at our site and at times with on-site Management to get things going; because our three offices have a common interest and that is the well-being of our residents and for our community to flourish.


Unfortunately, we are unable to do this on our own, we need your help! It can be an individual, an organization or business that's able to make a donation to The Springtown Villa Resident Council or even sponsor a program, activities or holiday event. All donations go directly to The Springtown Villa Resident Council and will only be use for programs, activities, events for residents who are elderly and/or disabled. This will also assist The Resident Council in continuing to promote a healthy and positive flourishing community.


President- Lino Puente
Vice President- Arleen Machado
Council Secretary- Guillermo (Bill) Cruz
Treasury Secretary- Position Available
Sergeant of Arms- Position Available
Historian- Position Available


Address & Contact

503 Springtown Way
San Marcos
(512) 353-7343
Community Organization

Map & Directions

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