Springville Rotary Club

The Springville Rotary Club was formed in 1964.

Club Activities:

1. Rotary Park: Since 1964 the Club has designed and constructed almost the entire Rotary Park. The club has used donations from its members and members of the community to build two pavilions, two bathrooms, a new kitchen, fence all boundaries, install sprinkling systems, plumbing, and electrical equipment, plant trees, grass and shrubs.

2. Rotary Centennial Park: The club has erected a new bathroom at the Centennial Park, graded the property and built fences around nearly the entire park.

3. Easter Egg Hunt: Each year the Saturday before Easter Sunday, the Club hosts the Springville Easter Egg Hunt. The Club provides the candy eggs and collects thousands of dollars of prizes for the kids that find the winning eggs.

4. Parade: For over 20 years the Club has lined up floats and helped organize the Art City Days parade.

5. Sub for Santa: Every year the Club has received recommendations for families that will not be able to afford Christmas for their children. The Club then provides presents to the families and gets specific gifts for each child. The club takes great effort to learn what presents each family and each child in that family would like. Then a Rotarian is allotted a certain amount of money from the club to spend on each child and family. Rotarians almost always spend much of their personal funds in excess of what the club allots them for each family. The Club then delivers the presents and donated food items from other generous Springville businesses.

6. Miscellaneous: Springville City has always been willing to help Springville City with miscellaneous projects. Parking cars at city events, delivering Dictionaries to all 4th graders in Nebo School District, etc.

7. Wayne M. Pinder Scholarship: The Club has been providing between 4 and 10 full scholarships for Springville High students for more than ten years. The Club’s goal is to generate and save enough money to make the scholarships self sustaining, or said another way, to pay for the scholarships from the interest on the money that the Club has saved.

The Four-Way Test
Of the things we think, say or do
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. s it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


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