CAMPUS LIFE All (100%) of students participating in the financial aid program graduate high school.
SAS Ai financial aid program relies solely on public generosity and donations to its high school fund. The fund makes it possible for us to help bright kids from poor families finish high school. Our page shares our mission and vision with the world. We believe Education is Freedom and to this end we dedicate our presence here to actively solicit support from the generous public. 100% of the students who participate in our financial aid program graduate high school with zero dropouts.
SAS Ai is a public charity organization under the 501(c)(3) tax code. All donations to the high school fund are tax deductible. We require only two criteria from our applicants for financial aid: 1) academic strength with a GPA of 85% or higher and 2) family finances amounting to a gross annual income of not more than P75,000 PHP or roughly $1867 USD. Our mission is to help bright kids from poor families finish high school with financial aid.