
Stiff arming stadiums since '33...Every game is a home game.

Mission Statement/Purpose: To unite Steelers fans worldwide, in the common interest of developing fan recognition, fan benefits and a positive fan presence in the community.

History and Overview
One day in a small sports bar in Eastern Tennessee, several devoted football fans gathered as they normally do to watch their favorite sports team, the Pittsburgh Steelers take the field against the local favorites, the Tennessee Titans. After toughing out another long monotonous summer of baseball, soccer, Nascar, and spelling bee highlights monopolizing the sports world, the fans all greet each other like long lost family members that have once again been reunited. The excitement in the air grows more intense as more friends and family enter the bar. As a few other patrons at the bar decked out in orange, blue, or silver can do nothing but shake their head in disgust as they watch the place slowly turn into a sea of black and gold. As the time nears one o'clock, the tables down in front of the projection wall were full, despite the bars decision to reserve seating for their most consistent and loyal clients. Evenutally the area is standing room only and was so crowded that even the waitresses couldn't even get through to serve their guests without spilling anything.

As the bar manager, a Cincinatti Bengals fan, attempted to squeeze through the crowd of Steeler fans, he looks back at us in frustration and yells, "Damn Steeler fans, think you run this place? Your like the freaking Mafia!" As several fans voiced their pleasantries back to the disgruntled gentleman, several of us saw that as a reason to take pride in what we were just labeled. Realization then set in. The realization about how regardless of the Steelers' seasons success, despite of other NFL teams' bandwagoning popularity, in addition to playing in a league that thrives off of the more louder and flashier individual players, the Pittsburgh Steelers were a team that has always ran deep in a tradition of guy that bled and sweat black and gold both on and off the field. A team in a poor, blue collar town that not only demanded, but expected good hard work ethic and determination from those that would don a black and gold jersey. A team that has more loyal fans than any other team, and many times even takes over visiting stadiums. Most importantly, a team that is rich in a history the close bonds between a sports franchise and it's fans.

Although most true Steeler fans understand the analogy between the close knit Steelers family and the comparison to the Mafia. However, the Steel City Mafia understands that there are negative connotations associated with the word "mafia" and chooses to focus more on the positive family aspects that can be found only among Steelers faithful. We do not condone or encourage any crimiinal behavior or illegal activity, unless it is in the form of a bone crunching sack on the football field. Like it or not, just like the mob we are everywhere, and we will soon take over your town. Hate us, boycott us, talk all the smack you want to about us. Unlike other fans, Steeler fans are strong, we are family, and we are here to stay. If you believe in our cause, join the family now and spread the word.


Address & Contact

9065 S Monroe St
Sports Team

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