The Stockton College Hellenic Studies Facebook page seeks to share the HELLENIC activities of Stockton students, faculty, staff, ALUMNI and community participants.
The Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies (ICHS) is a relatively young program that has already generated great interest and enthusiasm within the college and in the broader New Jersey and national Greek-American community. Residing in the School of Arts and Humanities, the ICHS was formally established at Stockton College in 2003 by the American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture (AFGLC). Previously, Rev. Dr. Demetrios Constantelos had founded the Hellenic Heritage Committee in the Stockton College Foundation and formed a working group of Hellenic studies faculty who taught a cluster of Hellenic courses. With the success of these courses, the College hired faculty in Greek Language and Literature and the History of Modern Hellenism. With these faculty members in place, the AFGLC approached Stockton College to establish an academic center on campus.
The ICHS Executive Director is Dr. Tom Papademetriou, (Ph.D. Princeton) who holds the Constantinos & Georgeian Georgiou Professor of Greek History and specializes in the Church in the Ottoman Empire. Associated ICHS faculty are the Rev. Dr. Demetrios J. Constantelos, who was the first faculty member to hold an endowed Professorship on campus, the Charles Cooper Townsend Sr. Distinguished Professor of History and Religious Studies, Emeritus. Dr. David Roessel (Ph.D. Princeton) is The Peter & Stella Yiannos Endowed Professor of Greek Language & Literature and he specializes in Ancient and Modern Greek Literature. Dr. Katherine Panagakos (Ph.D. The Ohio State University) is the AFGLC Endowed Professor in Greek Culture and she specializes in the Ancient Greek Novel. Dr. Lucio Privitello (Ph.D. Villanova) is The Petros and Despoina Tsantes Endowed Professor of Greek Philosophy in Honor of Katherine Batuyios and specializes in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Dr. Edward Siecienski (Ph.D. Fordham) is the Clement & Helen Pappas Professor of Byzantine Civilization & Religion and his specialization is Byzantine Church history. Other associated faculty of the ICHS are Dr. Anne Pomeroy (Philosophy); Dr. Rodger Jackson (Philosophy), Dr. Mark Mallet (Theater Arts), Prof. Pam Hendrick (Theater Arts), and Rev. Dr. George Liacopulos (Religion).
The Friends of Hellenic Studies
The fundraising and social outreach arm of the ICHS is the community auxiliary organization, The Friends of Hellenic Studies. Founded to encourage and promote the study of Hellenism, it seeks, foremost, to fundraise for student scholarships and Hellenic Studies activities, as well as to advise the public-at-large about the Hellenic events at Stockton. The Friends provide community outreach to members of the Greek communities from Toms River to Cape May. The principal officers of FHS are an annually elected board.