St. Paul Lutheran Church, Valley City, Ohio - (330) 483-4119

Jesus has won your salvation!
At the heart of everything we do here at St. Paul is the joy we have in Christ Jesus.

8:00 AM & 10:30 PM Worship Services
9:15 AM Sunday School and Bible Class

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Jesus has won your salvation!
At the heart of everything we do here at St. Paul is the joy we have in Christ Jesus. His death and resurrection has paid the price for your sins. On the cross He declared “It is finished!” Christ has defeated death and the Devil. You are free from your sins because of Christ Alone!

How do I get to know more about Jesus?
Great question! God doesn’t want to remain a mystery to you so He moved men to write His Word so that you can hear about your need for a Savior from sin and that Jesus is your Savior.
The Holy Bible is the first and only source and guide for what we believe and do here at St. Paul. It’s the greatest foundation of all and we are not ashamed to stand by God’s Word as being without error and completely inspired by Him.
In worship you’ll hear this Word read and preached and in Bible Study we’ll go even more in-depth. You’ll love it and the Holy Spirit will help you learn. That’s His promise!

God’s free grace is yours because of what Jesus has done. Grace means getting what we don’t deserve. Because of our sinful nature, we could never earn God’s favor, our spot in heaven, or forgiveness for any of our sins. So God made sure we didn’t need to earn it, He gives it to us Himself. That’s grace!

Stop spending your time wondering if God is pleased with you or trying to live a life that will allow God to reward you, Instead, rejoice that God is full of grace for you and that forgiveness is yours, by Grace Alone!

God has all kinds of gifts for you. Forgiveness, life, salvation, peace, patience, goodness, patience, faithfulness, kindness, and self-control.

When you were baptized, God gave all these gifts to you in His Holy Spirit. Faith is the hand that receives all the blessings from God (and receives with thanksgiving!). Even faith is a gift from God, not of your own doing, but as a gift through His Word and Sacraments.


Address & Contact

1377 Lester Rd
Valley City
(330) 483-4119
Church/Religious Organization

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