A private Christian school serving PreK-3 - 5th with small classes, enriched curriculum & low tuition at $3000/yr.
Located deep in the beautiful Piney Woods of East Texas, St. Paul's is a private Christian school serving PreK-3 through 5th grade. The school offers a quality education in a loving Christian environment. The standard curriculum is supplemented with art, music, monthly field trips, etiquette training, weekly chapel and Bible study. "Changing the world one child at a time" is the school motto. The students are involved in community service projects and perform for community events. This focus on mental, physical, and spiritual development builds each student's self-esteem and teaches them to respect the uniqueness of others. Celebrating children as individuals is the theme for developing the potential of each child.
Applicants are admitted without regard to race, creed, or ethnic origin. Tuition is $2500/year. A registration fee of $125.00 holds a place in the school's limited enrollment.