Sulphur High School Key Club - (580) 622-3174

The official Facebook home of Sulphur High School Key Club.
Meetings every Tuesday at 12:35 p.m. in the West Wing of SHS.

2013-2014 Board

President--Ms. Shelby Moore
Vice-President--Mr. Tristan Reagan
Secretary--Ms. Kenia Rios
Treasurer--Mr. Taw Scaff
Editor--Mr. Riley Manning
**Class Directors will be voted on in August, 2013**

Home Club of two-time Division 20 Lt. Governor Steven Baringer

What we do

Key Club International is the high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.


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