Sumter United Ministries: Rebuilding Lives - (803) 775-0757

SUM is a Christian ministry. Our purpose is to minister to people in Sumter County.

Crisis Relief Services

A stranger walks into the church office asking for help. The church secretary is unsure what to do and defers to the pastor. The pastor is preoccupied with other duties and does not have time to properly address the need. The benevolence committee is unavailable. Then the questions come to mind:
"Is this a legitimate need?"
"Is the person's story accurate?"
"Is this a good use of church resources?"
"What should I do?"
United Ministries is an extension of area churches providing crisis assistance to those need. We provide direct financial assistance, food, and referrals to community partners. We try to address the root causes of affliction in light of scripture and encourage healthy relationships and goals.
UMSC requires proper ID and verifies information before giving assistance. All interaction with our clients is carefully recorded for future reference. We are accountable to our community, our partners, and our clients, but above all we are accountable to God. We work within His realm of grace, as the Lord and Savior gives us grace.

Sumter Area Missions (SAM) "Making Homes Dry, Safe, Secure, and Accessible"

SAM is a United Ministries of Sumter County outreach project that seeks to be the hands and feet of Christ in our local community. The focus of SAM is to make homes dry, safe, secure, and accessible. All work is done by volunteers from local churches and civic groups within the Sumter community.
SAM projects are selected by United Ministries and may be recommended by community agencies, churches, and individuals.
If you have a specific housing need (wheelchair ramp, porch riling) or problem (damage and decay), which you cannot address due to financial limitations, please call (803) 775-0757.
SAM helps UMSC meet specific housing needs of the poor and elderly in Sumter. It also allows us to spread hope and to minister to our community emotionally and spiritually. By meeting physical needs, we allow those in need to be touched by love and compassion.

Samaritan House Shelter

If you are in need of emergency shelter go to 320 West Oakland Avenue at 6 p.m. or call (803) 775-0024.

Samaritan House is an emergency temporary shelter seeking to minimize the physical and spiritual impact of extreme poverty and homelessness by providing rest and nourishment. We partner with local churches to initiate and facilitate healing and restoration. Our goal is to help residents glorify God by leading productive and independent lives.
We operate with the theology that EVERYONE can have new life through faith in Christ, setting us free from sinful habits, addictions, and anxiety from life's difficulties, empowering us to live victoriously in His righteousness.
"I am living on the street. I've made mistakes and my relationships are strained. My confidence and self-worth are low. Perhaps if I get some rest, I can get my life back on track. For now, though, my biggest question remains, "Where will I sleep?"

How Do I Get Connected?

- for the needs of our community, especially the working poor, elderly, and disabled
- for the staff and volunteers involved in the day-to-day ministries at UMSC

- to assist with clients (receptionist, interviewer, food pantry)
- to pick up and deliver in-kind donations
- to prepare and serve meals and assist the homeless at the Samaritan House shelter
- greet and sign in shelter guests
- become a New Life Coach at the shelter
- to provide skilled and unskilled labor for Sumter Area Missions (SAM)
- to provide meals and water for SAM volunteers

Special Projects
- June: SAM Summer Restore repairs homes to make them dry, safe, secure, and accessible
- July: Gear UP for Learning volunteers sort school supplies
- September: Lighthouse Grill needs volunteers to cook and serve at UMSC's Sumter County Fair concession stand
- November: Giving Thanks dinner boxes are provided for needy families
- December: Help an Angel Fly provides Christmas items to needy families

- food, furniture, tools, gift cards, and cleaning supplies

Financial Support
- gifts, honorariums, and memorials
- all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law

Tags: Religious Center,Crisis Prevention Center

Address & Contact

36 Artillery Dr / PO Box 1017
(803) 775-0757
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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