Sunrise Children's School - (843) 883-0038

Early Childhood Education...a brighter beginning.

Sunrise Children’s School is recognized as a model educational program for young children. We are dedicated to incorporating developmentally appropriate practices in meeting the cognitive, language, physical, and social/emotional needs of children. We measure our success through the satisfaction of our families, students and communities we serve and represent. We are fortunate to be managed by a Board of Directors that have an infinite amount of experience and education which directly contributes to our growth. SCS staff is dedicated to integrating the highest quality of education and care in their classrooms.

SCS provides experiences to challenge each child at his or her personal developmental level for every child is seen as an individual with unique strengths and needs. It is the teacher's role to identify those strengths and needs and to tailor opportunities and challenges for learning and growth.
Our classrooms provide a balance of whole group, small group and individual activity with periods of quiet work and active exploration. It is equipped with a wide variety of rich learning materials. Children are encouraged to actively explore these materials and interact with children and adults in the room in order to acquire skills, knowledge and explore interests.
Developmentally appropriate practice encourages a mixture of teacher-directed and child-directed activities. Teacher-directed learning involves the teacher as a facilitator who models learning strategies and gives guided instruction. Child-directed learning allows the child to assume some responsibility for learning goals.
SCS promotes children's active exploration of the environment; manipulate real objects and learn through hands-on, direct experiences.


Address & Contact

3222 Middle St
Sullivans Island
(843) 883-0038

Map & Directions

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