Personal learning designed for every student.
At Sylvan we know that every child is unique, each with a different set of skills and academic needs. This is why we design a learning plan specifically for each child.
The key to personal instruction is Sylvan Insight™ - a four-step process which includes assess, plan, teach, and then apply. The result is the personal learning students need to be whomever they aspire to be.
This proven approach is maximized with SylvanSync™ - our proprietary teaching system that blends personal lessons taught by Sylvan-certified instructors using technology kids love: the iPad®.
At Sylvan Learning Center of Zephyrhills, we offer many programs that fit the needs of students throughout their academic journey. We offer Reading, Math and Writing programs, as well as, Algebra, SAT and ACT Preparatory courses, and even Spanish Homework Support. Providing help for the FCAT is yet another program that our Sylvan can offer. For the student in college, we offer Proctor Testing. Call Today for these great opportunities that are found at the Sylvan Learning Center of Zephyrhills!
Tags: Tutoring,Educational Service