Tallahassee Volunteer Fire Protection - 1.800.316.8233 For Critical Emergencies please call 911

Serving Northwest Fremont County, Colorado

Welcome to the official Tallahassee Volunteer Fire Protection Facebook page. The purpose of this Facebook page is to deliver news and information relating to TVFD-sponsored services, meetings, events, programs and facilities. This Facebook page is intended to be a source of information and should not be used for emergency response. Please call 911 in the case of an emergency

TVFP's financials and information are transparent and are open for review by any member in our service area through a written request.

If you would like additional, documented and accurate information please contact Kerry Meier, TVFP President, at 719-429-7091

We encourage you to share photos, comments and kudos relevant to this page.

All comments or replies posted to TVFD Facebook does not reflect the views and opinions of TVFD, TVFD Facebook, the pages, the Administrator and/or TVFD Facebook Friends.

TVFD FB Admin, TVFD President and TVFD Board reserve the right to hide or delete posts or images that do not follow Facebook Community Standards and / or that may be deemed disrespectful, hateful, harassing, threatening or considered scams or spam.


User comments are not edited for accuracy or safety; however to ensure a continually positive experience for the community, we may report or remove content or commentary containing spam, profanity or otherwise objected or prohibited material subject to the FB Code of Conduct and Terms of use.

We welcome your comments and hope that the conversation will follow the general rules of respectful civil discourse. Contributors are responsible for everything they submit/post in their comments and all posted comments are considered part of the public domain. The content of this Facebook page may be subject to public disclosure per Colorado’s Open Records Act.

Please note that the external comments posted on this Facebook page are the opinions of that individual or organization and not that of TVFD, Personnel, Admins, FB Friends or acquaintances. The TVFD does not endorse external posters or their communications. Non-TVFD postings do not reflect the position or opinion of the TVFD.

To keep RECEIVING ALL POSTS from us you need to do the following:

1. Open our page and hover your mouse over the "Liked" button near the gear symbol.
2. In the pop-up select "SHOW IN NEWS FEED"
4. Next create an interest list (Make a Name for your sites). so when you select that interest list you will see ALL of the posts and you won't miss anything important!


Address & Contact

Canon City
1.800.316.8233 For Critical Emergencies please call 911
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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