Telluride Area Real Estate - Steve Cieciuch, Telluride Properties - (970) 369-5322

CURRENT LISTINGS can be found on the PHOTOS tab. Steve's CURRENT MARKET OVERVIEW can be found on the DISCUSSIONS tab.

Being a successful real estate broker is an art form and as an avid artist and photographer Steve Cieciuch lends these traits to his daily real estate practice. Steve is passionate about, and appreciates sophisticated architecture and the execution of fine finish detail. He looks at property as if he were looking through a camera lens, artfully explaining the subtleties to help clients choose one property over another or better discern what they want when he's previewing a home or vacant land on their behalf.

He values relationships and enjoys meeting new people and getting to know them and learning about their desires for Telluride area real estate. Reflecting on advice his father gave him early on "respect, listening and follow through are keys to success - you can't learn with your mouth open." A credo he follows to this day; Steve listens to his clients, understanding their wishes and motivations, ultimately leading to a personalized experience.

When out walking the land, or understanding the specifics of a property, Steve relies on his knowledge of the Telluride market place and his creative vision to compose the best approach. This level of composition, also allows clients to choose Steve over other brokers, which is evident in his market share of listings and the number of sales he has successfully completed.

He is passionate about the people he works with and the excitement they experience when fulfilling their dreams. "It's a tremendous sense of fulfillment when a client continually exudes excitement about a home they purchased decades ago. It means they fulfilled their dreams and I was a part of it."

Steve started Telluride Properties with Stephen Butts in Aspen, 21 years ago, with the mission to introduce customers to the experience of mountain home ownership and the amazing Telluride lifestyle. Tragically, Stephen Butts passed away in 2005 yet Steve Cieciuch is committed to carrying the torch and implementing the vision they established when they first opened the doors of Telluride Properties. Steve Cieciuch relies daily on the lessons and wisdom he gained from his friend and mentor. Steve lives in historic Telluride with his wife and 2 daughters.

Tags: Home Improvement, Agent

Address & Contact

237 S Oak St
(970) 369-5322
Real Estate

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