The adventures of Doc Watson: The blind cat of The Cat Ranch

Doc Watson is a blind kitty who lives at The Cat Ranch and doesn't let his disability stop him from doing anything he wants.

My name is Doc Watson. I am totally blind. My humans named me after a famous bluegrass singer/songwriter who was also blind. (Doc Watson) I have lived at the cat ranch since aOctober 5, 2012. I was about 4 months old. My estimated birthday is 6/2/2012.
I am very lucky to have such wonderful humans to take care of me. I have many friends here at the cat ranch. I do not let my disabilities stop me from anything I want to do. I have learned how to jump on counters, climb on my humans shoulder and I get around outside under my humans close eye in the safe haven sanctuary on pretty days. I also like to travel and ride in the truck with my humans who I call Dat Man and Nanna. I hope to inspire others with my disability to let nothing stop them from accomplishing their dreams.

Note: CRR is not sure if Doc's blindness is due to birth or abuse but we believe it is. One eye is completely gone and one is fogged over. His tail is broken in several places, too, which can be very painful if bumped the wrong way. At any rate he is safe now and happy at the cat ranch. To learn more go to and meet his many lifetime companions in our cage free, free roam, no kill, lifetime care sanctuary. We are a 501c3 non profit charity.


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Snowbird Rd
Non-Profit Organization

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