The EDGE at NHBC Ringgold

Official page of the student ministry of New Heights Baptist Church in Ringgold, Ga.

The student ministry at NHBC exists to, above all things, glorify God. We realize that no one is perfect but we find perfection in an awesome Savior Jesus Christ! With a heavy focus on the study of God’s Word, we love to dive into the Scriptures to see what God has to show us.

Why The EDGE?
With the battle cry of 1 Timothy 6:12 in mind, "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses"” we use the acronym E-D-G-E as a vision of how to equip students for this fight.

Extreme Disciples- When Biblical Christ-centered Christianity is taught and lived out, it can seem “extreme” or “radical” to some. Students are constantly bombarded with images of who they are supposed to be in order to fit in and often those images are not compatible with the life we are called to live. In an age where pleasure is king, we find the most pleasure and fulfillment in who Christ is. At NHBC we seek to see a passion for God instilled into every student’s' heart, awakening the spiritual warrior that lies inside.

Going Eternal- Students cannot begin to live as an extreme disciple until they gain an eternal perspective. Realizing that there are only two options for eternity (with Christ or apart from Christ) is a sobering realization. We fully trust Jesus'’ promise in John 10:28, "“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand"”, and by accepting him as our Savior we are free to live a life without fear.

"Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4 ESV)

The term or an allusion to a “youth pastor” or “minister of students” never appears in the Bible. The responsibility for student’s' spiritual growth rests on parents. With that in mind, youth pastors and ministries like the EDGE should be only another tool that a parent uses to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Nothing can substitute for a family that seeks Christ together. The entire youth worker team is here to help you as a parent with any questions or advice that you may have. We also will provide resources upon request to help with your family Bible study.

EDGE Activities
Hangout- 6:30p
Worship Starts- 7ish

Sunday Small Group- 9:30a
DIVE Discipleship- 6:00p

Youth Camp/Retreats:
Summer Centerfuge/Mfuge- Usually 2nd to last week in
Fall/Winter Retreat- varies year to year
Spring Dnow- varies year to year

Hangout Events:
Usually 1-2 per month see church calendar for more

Tags: Religious Organization

Address & Contact

New Heights Baptist Church 158 Ooltewah-Ringgold Rd
Church/Religious Organization

Map & Directions

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