We offer expert On-Site jewelry repair services at an affordable price. We can repair eyeglasses and costume jewelry with our laser. Stop in today!
The jewelry doctor offers a wide range of jewelry repair, design and restoration services on site at an affordable price. At The Jewelry Doctor, you actually deal with the jeweler doing the work instead of having your treasured pieces sent off, worked on by inexperienced "job shop" apprentices, or having what you want done lost in translation. Most items can be returned in 1-2 business days rather than 2-3 weeks, with same day service also available. We utilize the latest in tool technology with our LaserStar laser welder. This means far less risk of damaging heat sensitive or fragile stones, delicate filigree, enameling, etc. This also affords us the ability to do work that once was impossible with a torch such as eyeglass frame repair and costume jewelry repair.
Some of the services we offer but aren't limited to:
Ring Sizing
Stone Setting / Replacement
Prong Re-tipping / Replacement
Chain Repair
Clasp Repair
Custom Design
Eyeglass Repair
Rhodium Plating
Watch Batteries
Costume Jewelry Repair
Tags: Jewelry Store,Repair Service