Winnetka Farms goal is to teach farmstead kitchen skills and craft to those building a more resilient life.
Winnetka Farms Kitchen is committed to growing and preparing good healthful food. Based on generations of family experience and know-how that reaches back to southern Italy, through Rhode Island and finally southern California. We're proud our Family was The original urban homesteaders. Out of necessity not notoriety our great grand parents, Giuseppe and Anna Dellaragione made, grew, produced and taught others how to survive and eat better then most of the rest of Los Angeles. It started at 400 east 67th Street at a time when just 3 miles south was farm land where Giuseppe raised hogs and rabbits for market. The profession of cooking continued when my Grandmother Marie ran several restaurants in the 1930s and 40s in the downtown Los Angeles area. More then 30 years after her death she is still known as the best cook in the family. The best compliment I ever received was from a cousin that I was cooking with, I asked her why she and her mother were so nervous? She simply said "Your Marie's Grandson"